Great Western Exploration (GTE.ASX) is a copper, gold and base metal explorer with a world class, large land position in prolific mining regions of Western Australia.

Great Western’s tenements have been underexplored or virtually unexplored. 

We have numerous field work programmes across multiple projects currently underway and are well-funded with a tight capital structure, providing leverage upon exploration success.

Flagship Project: Yerrida North

The Yerrida North Project is ~800km north-east of Perth and adjacent to the DeGrussa and Monty copper-gold VMS-hosted deposits.

Yerrida North comprises three key targets:

  • Oval/Oval South: Large Winu/Haverion-style copper-gold targets defined by their multiple coincident geophysical anomalies and highly prospective geological attributes.

  • Juggernaut: A VHMS-hosted coper-gold target defined by geological mapping, surface sampling, and considerable modelling and interpretation.

  • Sumo: A large niobium target outlined by a soil anomaly measuring 2km x 1km. Sumo’s strong prospectivity is supported by field work which shows the anomaly is not related to transported sedimentary material and is located on magnetic and gravity highs.